Working Hours
Blood tests available Mondays and Thursdays from 8h to 9h.
In Austria, the following vaccinations are useful: FSME (tick borne encephalitis) Diphtheria Tetanus Polio Whooping Cough Hepatitis A and B. For vaccinations for travels abroad I would consult you individually .
Please bring your vaccination pass: if you don’t have one you can get a new one at the office. For the vaccination itself you don’t need a special appointment.
Lab Tests
Lab tests are available Mondays and Thursdays from 8h to 11h.
For thyroid tests please do not take your thyroid medication on the day of your appointment.
The following tests are available in the office:
- Blood sugar
- Urine tests (dipstick testing)
- Stool tests (Haemoccult)
- INR( International Normalized Ratio) coagulation testing
- D Dimer
- Troponin T test
- ECG (electrocardiogram)
- Lung function testing

Sick Leaves
After having called your employer on the same day that you stay home, it is necessary to get a written sick leave after a medical examination starting with day one of your illness, with the exception of a sick leave after a stay in hospital.
If you cannot leave home, please call me to arrange for a solution.
House Calls
House calls can be arranged during office hours by telephone only. In accordance with the medical urgency and my schedule possibilites I will come to your home on the same or the next day.